Do You Feel As If You’re Constantly Being Judged Negatively By Those Around You?

Have you ever felt like people see you as ridiculous, embarrassing, pathetic, or dumb? Do you believe your loved ones tolerate your presence but secretly wish they were with someone else? Does it feel like you’re wasting people’s time and can’t help thinking they are wishing to exit the conversation?

A large wave comes rolling into the shore.

Maybe you’ve become very quiet in social settings because you want to avoid shame or being rejected by others.

Perhaps when you cannot avoid social situations altogether, you become anxious and feel out of place. Sometimes, your mind becomes flooded with “what ifs” that you can’t focus on the actual conversation.

Experiencing confidence and peace of mind in social situations may seem far-fetched—but these are what you desire the most. We understand your needs and we can meet you where you’re at to help you work through these difficulties. With the right tools and sound guidance, you can learn to enjoy and look forward to social situations.

Having Social Anxiety Doesn’t Just Mean You’re “Shy”

Symptoms of social anxiety can manifest differently from person to person. Maybe before a social event, you experience thoughts such as:

  • “People will see I'm an anxious mess"

  • "I’ll feel too uncomfortable and my mind might go blank"

  • "I keep messing up when I meet people"

  • “Maybe I can come up with excuses not to show up or participate”

During social interactions you may be thinking:

  • "I'm blowing it again"

  • "People can tell I'm sweating and messing up"

  • "They think I'm an idiot"

  • "I'm so anxious I can’t focus on what people are saying to me"

When you get home, and you’re by yourself, you probably begin to focus on how awful you think you did during conversations and interactions. Maybe you believe that after you leave, everyone is talking about how awkward and anxious you are. Moreover, you probably consistently review your mistakes and criticize yourself.

People with social anxiety tend to avoid speaking to groups, meeting new people, dating, avoiding disagreements, especially with a boss or teacher, and maybe even using public restrooms.

You might feel like you should be able to get through this on your own, but seeking support from someone who is experienced in this area is integral to growth and healing. You can learn to manage your social anxiety symptoms.

A lonely man rides an empty escalator upwards

Social Anxiety Does Not Have To Take Control Of Your Interactions

According to data from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication, 7.1% of adults met the criteria for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) over the past year, while 12.1% of adults have experienced SAD at some point in their lives. (1)

It's normal to feel nervous when facing situations like speaking in front of crowds, going on a date, or entering a room full of people for the first time. However, if you constantly fear, avoid, or become distressed by social encounters, it's time to seek help.


A tiny spruce tree on a mossy forest floor

We Often Develop Social Anxiety From A Young Age

In many cases, social anxiety begins to manifest during our childhood, often going unrecognized or unaddressed for many years until it becomes deeply ingrained and extends into multiple aspects of our lives. Social anxiety isn't limited to specific situations but can occur in various settings, from meeting new people to even mundane activities like using public restrooms. 

The fear of being judged or scrutinized by others becomes a constant concern, leading to increased feelings of distress and avoidance of social interactions. Unfortunately, as you instinctively avoid these anxiety-inducing social scenarios giving you short-term relief, you inadvertently reinforce your fears, creating a negative feedback loop that strengthens anxiety over time.

Therapy can help you understand where your social anxiety stemmed from and give you the tools you need to help you feel more confident and relaxed during social situations.

A group of people clink glasses and coffee mugs

Social Anxiety Therapy Allows You To Look Forward To A Healthy Social Life

With us, social anxiety therapy sessions provide you with a welcoming space to feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions. You can unburden yourself here by telling us about your anxieties and fears.

Through treatment, you will learn techniques to alleviate social anxiety. We can help you create a plan that works for you and avoid pitfalls from prior experience. Our experienced therapists will guide you toward learning how to manage and prevent social anxiety from holding you back any longer.

An Evidenced-Based Approach Toward Social Anxiety Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT plays a central role in treating social anxiety. Through CBT, you learn to identify and challenge negative beliefs and thoughts about yourself, replacing them with more realistic and helpful perspectives. Your therapist can help you develop coping strategies to manage anxiety-provoking situations effectively. By addressing cognitive distortions and implementing behavioral techniques, individuals gain tools to navigate social interactions with greater confidence and resilience.

Exposure Therapy (ERP)  

ERP is often used alongside CBT to confront and overcome social anxiety triggers. Your therapist will guide you through a structured hierarchy of feared social situations, starting with manageable tasks and gradually progressing to more challenging scenarios. Through systematic desensitization, individuals learn to manage their fight-or-flight stress response and confront their fears in a controlled manner. 

By repeatedly facing feared situations while employing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, you can desensitize yourself to anxiety triggers. Exposure therapy can empower you to confront and overcome your fears. With each successfully navigated tier of the hierarchy, anxiety diminishes, leading to increased confidence and a reduction in social fears over time.

At Sequoia Counseling Group, the ultimate goal is for you to allow others to see your authentic self.

We want nothing more than to help you look forward to social situations rather than fearing them. Through social anxiety therapy, you can learn to feel at ease and not worry about what others think.

You May Be Considering Social Anxiety Therapy But Have More Questions…

Do I have to take medication with counseling to help with social anxiety?

Research has shown that counseling is as effective in treating social anxiety as some medications can be. The tools and techniques you will learn in counseling can help you significantly reduce your social anxiety for long periods. Some clients want to take medication in addition to counseling at the same time, and we do work with people who opt for this treatment method. This is a very important decision, and we are happy to help you with making the best choice possible.

How will I know if treatment is effective?

We only use empirically supported treatments here at our practice, and our counselors are well-versed in these approaches. We have seen social anxiety before, and we know exactly how to help. We also utilize state-of-the-art software that tracks your progress and relationship with your counselor.

How long will it take for me to notice improvements?

Many clients can expect to see a significant reduction in social anxiety in as few as 5-7 sessions. It is vital to remember that everyone is different—however, with consistency and determination, you will see positive changes.

You Can Enjoy A Normal Social Life

If you struggle with feelings of embarrassment, shyness, or judgment in social situations, Sequoia Counseling Group offers specialized social anxiety therapy to help you overcome these challenges. With therapy, you can feel more relaxed, confident, and comfortable during social interactions. 

Please contact us to find out about how our approach to social anxiety therapy can help you get the best out of your life.