Depression Therapy Philip Gnilka Depression Therapy Philip Gnilka

Feeling Like Depression is Taking Over Your Life? Externalize it and Narrate a New Life.

Has depression started taking over your life? When we start feeling depression is part of who we are as a person, it’s time to take action. This post teaches an intervention called Externalizing the Problem where you realize you are not the problem, the problem is the problem. Sound interesting? I think so too. Read on to see how to implement this in your life.

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Mental Filtering – How it Negatively Impacts our Life and what to do about it.

Do you ever find yourself only focusing on the negative during the week? It’s common for us to have “a bad day” when things just don’t seem to go our way. Life happens. But when this becomes a consistent pattern, you should become a bit more concerned and might be experiencing a cognitive distortion called mental filtering.

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Overgeneralization - What it is and what to do about it.

Learning what we say to ourselves and changing it over time can be very helpful in social anxiety treatment. The more you practice gently replacing those negative thoughts with more realistic ones, you will find your social anxiety starts to dissipate.

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